Functional Medicine Lab Testing

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Embark on a journey to holistic health with Red Leaf Wellness’s comprehensive naturopathic laboratory testing. As a vanguard of integrative health solutions in Edmonton, we cater to those who pursue a deeper understanding of their well-being beyond conventional measures. Our laboratory services are an extension of our Functional Medicine services, featuring a meticulously curated array of test panels that provide a panoramic view of your health landscape. 

Our diagnostic spectrum includes:

  • Chemistry Panels: A thorough investigation into your body's biochemistry, offering insights into metabolic functions and nutrient balances.  We can test fo Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Bilirubin (Total & Conjugated), Calcium, Chloride, Total CO2, Creatinine, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT), Glucose (fasting or random), Iron, (Total Iron Binding Capacity, Saturation Index), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD), Lipid Panel (Cholesterol, Triglyceride, non-HDL, HDL and LDL Cholesterol) Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Total Protein, Urate, Urea
  • Hormone Panels: Hormonal balance is pivotal to well-being; our tests assess levels to inform treatments like Acupuncture and Functional Medicine.  We can test for Estradiol, FSH, LH, Progesterone, Prolactin, Testosterone
  • Thyroid Panels: Thyroid function is crucial for metabolism and energy; our detailed assessments support thyroid health management.  We can test for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone T3 Free , T4 Free
  • Hematology Panels:
    • CBC and Differential: An examination of your blood components to detect any underlying conditions and monitor overall blood health.  We can test for Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, RBC Indices, Platelets and WBC) (Peripheral Smear to Pathologist automatically performed if clinically indicated)
    • Peripheral Blood Smear: Reflex test automatically performed when abnormal morphologies/cells are indicated or at the discretion of the reviewing pathologist
  • Lipid Panels: Heart health is the cornerstone of vitality, and our lipid panels guide personalized Cardiovascular Health Programs.   We can test for Cholesterol, Triglyceride, non-HDL, HDL and LDL Cholesterol.
  • Electrolyte Panel: includes Carbon Dioxide, Chloride, Sodium and Potassium.

At Red Leaf Wellness, your health is our focal point. Through our personalized laboratory services, we champion your health aspirations with unwavering commitment to quality and precision. We are more than a clinic; we are a haven where contemporary techniques are infused with time-honored wisdom, charting a course for a vibrant, healthier society.

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