Facial Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture is a powerful anti-aging treatment with a wide range of benefits, minimal side effects, and it can certainly help with any skin concern.
Not only do frown lines disappear, but you also feel better overall, sleep better, have more energy and better digestion. As you age, the 57 muscles in your face gradually lose their tone and mass, and this causes sagging, deep wrinkling and the tired look associated with aging. Acupuncture stimulates the muscle function, and the face lifts itself viacarefully selected points. Treatments also work to restore blood flow and help increase collagen production in turn reducing fine lines, improving overall skin texture and tightness, and returning the face to a healthier, revitalized, more youthful appearance.
Click here to learn more about facial acupuncture and our talented team here.
It is recommended to schedule Facial Acupuncture appointments twice per week for the initial three weeks. Then once per week for the following four weeks. If twice per week cannot be accommodated with your schedule, then the treatment plan can be modified to weekly sessions for 10 weeks.
Facial Rejuvenation – Starter Pack
One (1) Initial Consultation and Facial Treatment & five (5) Facial Acupuncture Follow Up Treatments for $730 (Regular price is $860, a savings of $130).
This package is best suited for anyone just starting with facial acupuncture and would like to get started with an introductory treatment plan. Once this package is complete, a Fab Five package is recommended to complete a full treatment plan. From there, packages can be bought to cover maintenance treatments that are spread out a little further.
Facial Rejuvenation – Fab Five
Five (5) Facial Acupuncture Follow Up Treatments for $595 (Regular price is $700, a savings of $105).
This package is suited for patients who have an established facial rejuvenation treatment plan. It can be used as a treatment plan top up or for maintenance treatments.
Facial Rejuvenation – Ten Pack
Ten (10) Facial Acupuncture Follow Up Treatments for $1190 (Regular price is $1400, a savings of $210).
This package is suited for patients who have completed their Initial Facial Acupuncture appointment and would like to continue with a full scheduled treatment plan.
Facial Rejuvenation – Portfolio Pack
One (1) Initial Consultation and Facial treatment & Ten (10) Facial Acupuncture Follow Up Treatments for $1280 (Regular price is $1560, a savings of $280).
This package is best suited for anyone just starting with facial acupuncture, who would like to get started with a full treatment plan and consents to having before and after photos taken of their progress/results.
Package terms and conditions:
Package pricing is based on specific services within a certain price range. If you would like to use your package towards a session that is outside of this range, you may still do so. Any upgrades, however, are subject to an additional charge per session. Upgrade charges vary per service but are still discounted from their regular price.
Packages can be used with all of our practitioners though some practitioner’s services have an upgrade fee.
Packages cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers.
Packages are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
Packages expire in one year.